Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Reasons to Visit an Ayurvedic Hospital

Ayurveda is an ancient practice of treating people according to the texts of Vedas. This ancient science of medicine is more precise and effective in curing and diagnosing all types of ailments. In fact, Ayurveda is also known for treating highly complicated diseases without causing any ill effects. The Ayurvedic practitioners, also known as ‘vaidyas,’ possess a thorough Ayurvedic knowledge of treatment that involves the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of a person. Regardless of the problem you are having, there are many valid reasons to visit an Ayurvedic Hospital

What to Expect from an Ayurvedic Hospital?

When you visit an Ayurvedic Hospital for your treatment, an Ayurvedic doctor analyzes your symptoms and finds out the reasons for dosha imbalance. Determining the imbalanced dosha helps to find the root cause of a specific disease. During the initial consultation, the physician asks you about your personal and medical history. This may include an understanding of your diet, relationships, working conditions, exercise routine, and mental health. This helps your Ayurvedic doctor identify the potential causes that lead to an imbalance of your mind, body, and soul. Based on that, your doctor provides you with a bespoke treatment plan which includes herbal medicines, therapies, and dietary advice.

Top 8 Reasons you should see an Ayurvedic Doctor

The following are the top 8 reasons you should Book an appointment and see an Ayurvedic doctor at HIIMS.

  1. Vast Knowledge: When an individual feels sick, he/she looks for the safest and best treatment that is effective and won’t break the bank. Addressing symptoms and diagnosing them are important steps to get the right treatment. When you visit a renowned Ayurvedic Hospital, the doctor examines the patient’s body and looks for the reasons responsible for their condition. This approach is highly useful for Ayurvedic doctors to prevent and cure several diseases. 
  2. Diagnosis through Nadi Pariksha: In Sanskrit, Nadi means pulse, and Pariksha means test. So when you visit an Ayurvedic doctor, he/she performs a pulse diagnosis to find out the main reason for imbalances in a person. This test is accurate and provides the doctor with a precise understanding of an individual’s body. Based on that, the practitioner prescribes Ayurvedic herbs, therapies, and other treatments. 
  3. Provides Natural Treatment: Ayurveda’s approach depends on natural healing. It uses natural herbs, activities like yoga, meditation, and therapies like Panchkarma that help an individual get rid of a specific problem. So, when you visit an Ayurvedic Hospital, a doctor advises you on natural remedies. 
  4. Treat Body, Mind, and Soul: Besides treating body ailments, Ayurveda also helps in treating the mind and soul. As anxiety and stress affect health adversely, Ayurvedic doctors help you balance three doshas - Kapha, Vitta, and Pita to make you composed and calm. In addition, ayurvedic treatment helps you maintain a regular schedule of meditation and yoga. This helps you to lower your stress and anxiety levels. 
  5. Treat the Root Cause: While an allopathic doctor advises you on some chemical drugs that treat you immediately, an Ayurvedic doctor gives you remedies and advice that work well on the root cause of the problem. It helps you to get rid of any disease forever. 
  6. Aids in Organ repair: Poor lifestyle choices and bad eating habits are the main causes that make an individual sick. In addition, there are several toxins as well as chemicals that lead body organs to poor functioning. However, an Ayurvedic doctor focuses on repairing your internal organs. Regular detoxification helps an individual to clean and improve all the organs functioning of the body.
  7. Easy to Follow Approach: Ayurvedic doctors help you in the treatment of health issues and offer you great assistance to prevent the issue. Living a holistic life, eating certain foods, practicing yoga, and following Ayurvedic medication can help your body fight different health problems.
  8. Provide Ayurvedic Medications: Regardless of your health condition, an Ayurvedic doctor recommends the best and most effective medications made from natural herbs. All these herbs are made under the supervision of Ayurvedic experts and are completely safe and secure. 

HIIMS- One-Stop Destination for All Your Health Problems 

Health problems are often unpredictable. Even a minor health issue can take away your sleep, time, and money from your bank account. If you are looking for an effective solution to all your health worries, HIIMS is your one-stop destination. India’s first hospital and institute of Integrated Medical Sciences, HIIMS offer effective treatment plans including yoga, meditation, allopathy, homeopathy, Naturopathy and Ayurveda Treatment.

Whether you are seeking allopathy treatment, naturopathy, homeopathy, or Ayurvedic, HIIMS has a team of doctors specialized in these fields. All the treatments provided are custom-made according to the individual’s health needs. Moreover, no matter which treatment branch you choose, all treatments are covered under medical insurance, which means you’ll get the claim of all the medical expenses you’ve done at HIIMS